How do we heal the historic harm done to the Third Ward and Clarissa Street and the multigenerational impact it has had on young people growing up in the Rochester region today? We continue to see similar patterns in fields of housing, urban planning, banking, media, education, arts, transportation, and more.
Exhibit visitors have been leaving their ideas on the Repair Harm tag wall. You can contribute here.
Examples of messages left by visitors of the Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit at the RIT City Art Space in June 2022. These include first-hand accounts written by members of the Clarissa Street and Third Ward communities, and other impacted members of the community.
We each have a piece of history’s story to tell! We can learn from the past and influence the history we are living today.
We invite YOU–the visitor–to explore and reimagine:
Answer any or all of these questions. The button below will take you to a recording booth to share your oral history!
Your story and feedback is highly valued and will continue building the Clarissa Uprooted initiative as we spread and honor the lessons of our disappeared village.